Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Moose In-laws are coming!

It is the middle of the week and I am trying to type up my column for the weekend, but I am a might bit distracted because my moose-in-laws are coming! You understand – there’s dad’s inspection of the wood stove, the cobwebs in the corner need to be cleared away and those leaves had better stay on the trees for a few more days despite the rain.

Anyway, when I am distracted, I always start with a Google search, just for a little something to get me going and look what I found this morning when I searched for moose…

"MOOSE, originally an acronym for Man Out Of Space Easiest and later changed to the more professional-sounding Manned Orbital Operations Safety Equipment, was a proposed emergency "bail-out" system capable of bringing a single astronaut safely down from Earth's orbit to the planet's surface." Here is the link so you can read all about it, straight from the source at Wikipedia:

Now that will give you something to bring up in a random conversation with the moose-in-laws. Or maybe we could study the photos and build our own – you know, just a little project.

Hey Corey, maybe you could help me with this new product idea and offer a supply kit at the Mooseville store.

I could help you write the ad: “Everything you need to build you own MOOSE contraption for only $9.99” In the fine print we could add – It will be guaranteed to protect you from black flies and mosquitoes for at least 12 seconds or as long as your remain in the plastic bag and one size will fit most idiots.

Well, I guess I had better go for this week – but hey keep you eyes peeled on the website for this new MOOSE product, it might go straight to clearance!

Check out the new stuff at Mooseville --

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