Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's FINALLY over!


The big election for humans is finally over - now what will the folks have to talk about? As the Mayor of Mooseville, I thought I would offer a list of suggested conversation starters for those of you struggling at the water cooler or at the next Hunter's Breakfast.

I do like making lists - now if only I could find the one I wrote about what I should be doing today, I would be all set. Excuse me if I repeat myself, but I sure am glad these antlers of mine are attached!

Conversation starters for the residents of Mooseville:

When do you think the president elect will start running for re-election?
Will the new president appoint a Secretary of Moose?
When will the country be ready for a Moose President?

Now if you are dealing with some highly intelligent "Moosey" types, these questions are likely to be better still to get folks riled up.

Can you use powdered ice tea mix to make hot tea?
Are Cluster flies really as dumb as they appear? I mean really, they just buzz around the lights and spin on the floor, but what is going on in their heads.

If hunters expect to be successful, why do they eat so much at the Hunter's Breakfast?
I would think all those sausage links would weigh them down and cause them to just need a nap - wait, I think I may have stumbled upon the answer here. A nice nap in the cab of their truck at the far end of a skidder road without the wife around to complain they haven't done anything around the house. Pure genius! I knew they wore those orange clothes for a reason - to highlight their intelligence.

Back to my questions...I guess I am obligated to mention the old, how about this weather we're having. I realize that the truth is, if you don't like the weather, you can always wait five minutes and it will be doing something different.

If you get bored and need something to look at, don't forget all your favorite things at Mooseville!

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